Tyra Banks, the smart and well lucky **********************, asked Robert Pattison what all the girls around the world were screaming(hoping) for.."Will You Bite Me?" And she acts shocked when he actually does...seriously??? She totally took advantage of him! Hmph:P
If it wasn't for the little bit of chin left on her face, I wouldn't have even guessed that it was Reese Witherspoon. Talk about photoshopping someones face off!:P
Vanessa, aka another chick on Gossip Girl, was wearing these boots in yesterdays episode, The Magnificent Archibalds , I love the fact that it isnt full horizontal layering of the fringe, less Pocahontus-y this way:). Plus they're only $88. Yet again, UO ceases to amaze me!
So I'm turning the Big 2-0, and life couldnt get any better. Ok maybe it could but I am super excited for today and what we have planned!! And proof that my enthusiasm cannot be broken is that my mobile (which I love very very much) fell of the top of my friends car on a bridge, and I still have hope that somehow im going to get it back *denial*. Im going to go get myself ready for the zillions of pictures we're going to take..Quote Of The Day: Don't Worry, Be Happy, Party Hard;)