Saturday, 10 January 2009

Movie To Watch : Slumdog Millionaire

So I am officially obsessed with everything Slumdog related. It was very easy for me since:

a) i'm very gullable into believing stories like this could happen in real me hope
b) i'm a huge bollywood fan
c) the soundtrack is supposed to amazing (A. R. Rahman is the equivalant of Hans Zimmer in my book, plus there's one Sonu Nigam song)
d) the critics are all raving about it...

"The Best Audience Picture Of 2008"
"A Hollywood-style romantic melodrama that delivers major satisfactions in an ultra-modern way..." Los Angeles Times

"4 Out of 4 Stars"
"Unforgettable... Pricelessly original... One in a million." USA Today

"Boyle Has the Stuff to Work Miracles"
"What I feel for this movie isn't just admiration, it's mad love." Rolling Stone

"A Phenomenon... Miraculous."
"A personal triumph for Danny Boyle... It could land a best picture Oscar."Chicago Sun-Times

"A Soaring, Crowd-Pleasing Fantasy"
"There's never been anything like this... Groundbreaking... Damned near earth-shaking."

"A Movie to Celebrate"
"A sharp, teeming, dark, very romantic film... A buoyant hymn to life." TIME

"Slumderful! Worth Its Weight In Gold"
"FOUR stars simply aren't enough... may be the most entertaining movie I've ever labeled a masterpiece in these pages." NY Post

"Buoyant & Life-Affirming"
"A rare feel-good movie that actually makes you feel good. It will send you out of the theater feeling like a winner." Voice

1 comment:

in my choos said...

I LOVED it too!!! Bollywood fanatic & no one does music like A.R Rahman!

